
Welcome Back Parents

Valley Christian Academy welcomes you with Open (air) Arms! This experience with COVID-19 has been
a journey!! We have held together and stayed strong through it so far. I am proud of the VCA Family as
we have truly worked together to stay connected. I hope you all have had some very special moments
with your family during this time as well. Family time is so important.
Now it is time to get to be back to life! VCA is excited to be a part of it! So, as we move forward, we will
be taking all precautions and protocols to make sure all students, parents, and staff are safe. In this
addition to the handbook, we are addressing all the new safety procedures. Make sure to pay close
attention to the mask and temperature guidelines for your child and yourself. I know this is a huge
inconvenience, but in time, restrictions will lift and we will eventually be back to normal.
I will be continuing chapel, reading classes, music and movement, and parent encouragement updates
online through the month of May. Be sure to check in on Facebook, read emails and stay in the loop.
One of the programs we are trying to support is our DISTANCE LEARNING PROGRAM. This program is
designed for elementary students to continue their education with the school they attend. If they are
doing school online, we will set them up on their personal computer and headphones and make sure
they get their work done. If they are doing homework packets, we will help them get their work done all
while they are in our care. This frees up the parent to work at home or if they have to return to the
workplace. We are still enrolling for summer camp and fall registration. Please let people know!
Thank you again for being supportive! Let’s stay connected and together we will get through this!!!
God Bless,
Renee’ Green

Valley Christian Academy is strictly following all guidelines recommended by the Colorado
Health Department pertaining to the opening of the school.

To bring:

Only bring a change of clothing (everyone) and diapers/wipes (if needed) in a large Ziploc bag,
labelled with your child’s name, and if all day, a lunch. Do not bring backpacks, water bottles, or

Drop off/Pick up

Restoration Campus

Parents and Guardians will not be allowed into the building and will have to follow the drop off
and pick up procedures as stated below.
• Parents will not enter the building.
• Parents will take their children to the back entrance of their room. Teachers will meet
parents at the door to check in their child. Parents and Teachers will keep the glass door
between each other as a protective partition during both drop off and pick up.
• Before the student is allowed entry, Parent must take temperatures of both themselves
and the student and show thermometer reading through the glass. Please bring your
own thermometer from home to expedite this process.
• When entering the classroom hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol will be used.
• Only one parent/child pair at the door at a time. Others must wait in line at least 6 feet
apart for their turn.
• Upon pick up, parent will again come to the back entrance of the classroom. Only one
parent/child pair at the door at a time. Others must wait in line at least 6 feet apart for
their turn.

Friendship Campus

• Parents will not enter the building. Parents will drop off their students directly to the
playground from the north side of the building. (Enter through front drive and follow
left, along the north end of the building, to access the playground from the north road.)
• Teachers/staff will meet parents at the gate to check in their child, with staff that has
protective face shield on.
• Only one parent/child pair at the gate at a time. Others must wait in their car or in line at
least 6 feet apart for their turn.
• Before the student is allowed entry, Parent must take temperatures of both themselves
and the student and show thermometer reading to staff member. Please bring your own
thermometer from home to expedite this process.
• Upon pick up, parent will again come to the playground by the north road. Only one
parent/child pair at the gate at a time. Others must wait in their car or in line at least 6
feet apart for their turn.
Upon entering the classroom hand sanitizer of at least 60% alcohol will be used.

Daily Temperature and Symptom Monitoring

A temperature of 100.4oF or above is considered a fever. It is important to note that not all cases
develop a fever, especially children. Therefore, other signs of illness will also be assessed
throughout the day. If your child shows symptoms of shortness of breath, fever or cough, they
will not be allowed to be at school.

Guidelines for Masks/Face Coverings

Masks are an important way to limit the spread of COVID-19. Valley Christian Academy will
follow the recommended guidance from the Colorado Health Department as follows:
• Masks/Face Coverings must cover both the nose and mouth.
• Parents must to wear masks when picking up or dropping off their children.
• Masks will be worn by all staff members.
• Children 2 years old and under do not need to wear a mask.
• Children 3 and older are strongly encouraged to wear a mask, under close supervision. If
the mask creates discomfort or results in the child touching their face frequently, wearing
a face mask for that child will need to be reconsidered.
• Children will not wear masks while napping.

Types of Masks

There are many forms of mask coverings that can be used that are non-medical. Some examples
of masks are bandanas, scarfs or fabric from an old shirt. The CDC has a video on how to make
a mask at https://youtu.be/tPx1yqvJgf4 or you can google “CDC cloth masks”. Masks should
have multiple layers of fabric, fully cover your nose and mouth and be snug. They should also
stay in place without the need for adjustments. They need to be free of holes and clean. The mask
must be cleaned every day and every time it becomes soiled.


Valley Christian Academy has always been in good standing with cleanliness and will continue
to do so during COVID 19. We will follow all cleaning outlines in a strict manner. We will
ensure the safety of our students and staff by doing the following.
All cleaning will be done with bleach to disinfect. The following will be in effect to insure we
follow Colorado Public Health Department.
o Eliminate surfaces and toys that are difficult to effectively clean and disinfect, such as
soft, fabric toys, dress up clothing, sensory tables and water play
o Reduce the number of toys that are in use each day so that washing and disinfecting toys
is more manageable. Clean toys will be rotated in as needed
o Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and toys throughout the day or at least
o Disinfectant shall be used per manufacturer’s guidelines. If toys that might be mouthed or
tabletops used for the service of food are disinfected, they should be rinsed and allowed
to air-dry before being used or returned to use by children.
We at Valley Christian Academy, will use only EPA-registered household cleaning products and
follow manufactured guidelines and consult label directions on the products we are using. We
will ensure that we are washing our hands thoroughly throughout the day with soap and water.
We will also ensure that high touch surfaces are being disinfected. Some of these are counter
tops, tables, toys, phones, computers, doorknobs, toilets and sinks.

Room Capacity updated June 5th, 2020

Classrooms/group sizes cannot exceed limits as defined by Colorado State Licensing rules. The
same group of children needs to stay together from day to day. Groups need to be separated and
cannot be combined, so that individuals or groups of children are not mixing and changing from one group to another, including during outdoor play. Staff are to remain with the same group of children. To the best extent possible, children and staff will maintain a distance of 3 to 6 feet throughout the day.

Hand Washing

Children will wash hands for at least 20 seconds and staff will supervise children while washing
their hands. When hand washing is not immediately available (i.e. outside) hand sanitizer of at
least 60% alcohol will be used.

Programs that Utilize School Buildings

Licensed child care facilities located in a school, recreation center, library or other building that
has been ordered to close, can still remain open, as long as they have permission from the
building owner. Access to the facility and room use should be worked out with the building
owner/manager and meet the child care license. Valley Christian Academy has the approval of
both Restoration Church and Friendship Church to continue our school in the building.